I reserved a pair of California pelagics - 9/8 out of Half Moon Bay and 9/10 out of Monterey - and ended up with five pelagic life birds. The weather was good, with light winds, so the boat trips weren't as challenging as, say, the NC pelagic trip. In addition I saw the newly minted Bell's Sparrow of the canescens race (the "intermediate" race) at the end of its range where it abuts the belli race of Bell's Sparrow. A hunch is that canescens is a cline between A.belli and A.nevadensis (Sagebrush Sparrow), but seeing them close to A.b.belli's coastal ranges makes me a little more comfortable counting it. The first life bird for the trip was Scripps's Murrelet (#692) and the last was Bell's Sparrow (#697).
The Half Moon Bay pelagic was longer and deeper water, with the Monterey Bay pelagic only having a subset of the first species but pelagics are notoriously variable. However the Monterey pelagic also had Blue Whale and a remarkable number of Humpback Whales (50++) feeding in the bay, including breaching Humpbacks, which made for a memorable end to the wildlife for the trip. Although land birding was limited I did complete the trasher grand slam for the year with California Thrasher, and saw other species I hadn't seen in over a decade.
Pelagic species:
Sooty Shearwater
Great Shearwater (California rarity)
Pink-footed Shearwater
Flesh-footed Shearwater (#696)
Buller's Shearwater (#693)
Black-footed Albatross
Ashy Storm-Petrel (#694)
Black Storm-Petrel (#695)
Red Phalarope (last seen 2001)
Red-necked Phalarope
Pomarine Jaeger
Parasitic Jaeger
Long-tailed Jaeger
Rhinoceros Auklet
Cassin's Auklet
Scripps's Murrelet (#692)
Common Murre
Pigeon Guillemot
Notable terrestrial species:
Black Turnstone
Surfbird (new for Lower 48, second+ one ever)
Prairie Falcon
Yellow-billed Magpie
Wrentit (last seen 2001)
California Thrasher (last seen 2001)
California Towhee (last seen 2001)
Bell's Sparrow (canescens) (#697)
Bell's Sparrow (canescens) (#697)
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